8th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon

It’s been several days now, and I still haven’t left the city gates. I keep tapping my boots against the floor, growing impatient. I feel trapped, both by these walls and by this cast, although I suppose that here above the forge is the safest place I could possibly be right now.

According to Aysun, Tysien’s brainwashed buffoons are still out there. The cavalcade of bad news seems to rival the good news. I wonder how long they kept searching for me after Cartenau. Did they follow me out there? Did a few of them die, perhaps trying to take me down in the swarm of bodies? I told Aysun that the last time I’d seen one of them was at that gala, blending in among all those gathered. That was five years ago. What have they been doing all this time? I know they’d already devolved into a petty but successful band of brigands. A far cry from their former glory, but still dangerous nonetheless.

She made me promise not to run out alone this time. No heroics. I didn’t explicitly agree.

The liquor was nice though, cheap as it may have been. Two nights in a row now I’ve been able to enjoy myself, and been surprised at how well my tolerances have kept up. There’s still a little bit left from last night; I’ll probably finish it today sometime.

I feel like I’m losing track of time again. It’s been almost a week now since I woke up in the Fane, and I’ve spent all of it here in this house. Fenix lives on a busy street, and I’m uncomfortable walking out there in my current state. The sooner R’zhumii can help me get this cast off, the better. I’ll probably ‘borrow’ one of the blades downstairs, much like I’m borrowing the small knife in my satchel. Maybe someday I’ll even pay him for them.

Boredom has turned into outright snooping. I’ve picked through more than half the books on his shelf. There isn’t really all that much that interests me; I’m not that knowledgeable about aether or science. I’ll leave that kind of thing to Syesta. I tried to read one, but I just couldn’t sit still long enough. I need to MOVE.

I want to swing a sword.

I want to see things with my own eyes.

I want to find out what happened here.

I want.

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